Anul VI, Nr. 1-2 / 2013 - Contents

Revista - Studii şi cercetări de onomastică şi lexicologie(SCOL- Anul VI, Nr. 1-2 / 2013


Mile Tomici, a Prolific Linguist, Fully Active at 75 Years Old, p.9    


Ana-Maria BOTNARU, The Forest Terminology in Romanian and a Sui-Generis Antonymy: desiş and rarişte, p.13
Dumitru CARABAŞ, Elements of Religious Vocabulary in the Language of the Aromanians of Romania, p.18
Anatol EREMIA, Historical Traditions and Romanian Spirituality in the Toponymy of Bessarabia, p.26
Adelina ILIESCU, The Relationship between the Proper Name and the Assumed Literary Pseudonym, p.33
Dragomir LALCEV, The Proto-Slavic Pattern of Imperative Names in Bulgarian Toponymy, p.42
Adelina Emilia MIHALI, Typological Patterns in the Toponymy of the Borşa Area, Maramureş County, p.49
Anca PĂUNESCU, Means of Forming Names of Persons in Romanian, p.58
Viorica RĂILEANU, Greek Suffixes in the Structure of Last Names in the Republic of Moldova, p.63
Sabina ROTENŞTEIN, Gender Alternations Within the Toponymic Pair Sodom and Gomorrah, p.75
Ludwig SELIMSKI, The First Name Francesco and Its Variants in Bulgarian Anthroponymy, p.87
Adela STANCU, Names of Important Religious Holidays as Anthroponyms  in Romanian and French, p.98
Mădălina STRECHIE, Pluralia Tantum Nouns in Latin Onomastics. Meanings and Uses, p.110

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Alexandru Dan ANGHELINA, On the IT Term memorie, p.119
Sevastian CERCEL, Diana DĂNIŞOR, On the Oath as Evidence, p.126
Alina-Roxana HOŢU, Colors and Gastronomy, p.139
Constantin MANEA, General and Metaphoric Expressiveness of English Slang, p.154
Radu PAŞALEGA, Nicolae Manolescu and His (Chosen) French Substratum. Strategy through Words and Senses, p.169
Silvia PITIRICIU, On the ciunisme in Romanian, p.177
Alexandra PORUMBESCU, The Concept of Migration: Linguistic and Sociological Coordinates, p.188
Daria PROTOPOPESCU, Theories of Terminology – Past and Present, p.195
Cristina RADU-GOLEA, Colours and Slang, p.202
Laura SPĂRIOSU, A Short Study on the Google Online Translation Service: Romanian and Serbian Translations of Computer and Technical Terms, p.208
Simona Nicoleta STAICU, A Hierarchic Structure of Medical Terms according to their Semantic Content, p.215
Cristina STANCIU, Evolution of the Juridical Regulations in the Matter of Contract Promises and their Terminology in the Romanian Law System, p.221
Dragoş Vlad TOPALĂ, Dynamics of Occupation Names (2008-2012), p.232
Nadina VIŞAN, A Comprehensive View on English Acronyms and Alphabetisms, p.238

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Young Researchers’ Contributions

Cezarina-Alexandra BURCIN, The Prefix Eco- in Current Romanian, p.251
Iulia CĂLINESCU, The Prefix Anti- in Romanian, p.258
Ramona PREDOI, Colloquial – Slang Vocabulary: from maidanagiu to culturagiu, p.267
Raluca-Mihaela TRIFU, The Prefix Bio- in the Vocabulary of the Romanian Language, p.272

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Reviews and Book Presentations

Mile Tomici, Dicţionarul frazeologic român-sârb/ Rumunsko-srpski frazeološki rečnik, Uniunea Sârbilor din România, Timişoara/ Temišvar, 2012, 1338 p. (Silvia Pitiriciu), p.279
Mile Tomici, Onomastica sârbilor şi a croaţilor din România (nume de persoane şi nume de locuri), Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2006, 523 p. (Cristina Radu-Golea), p.281
Dragomir Lalcev, Исторически обекти и лингвистичиа xронотопия на исиxазма в източна тракия, Велико Търново, 2012, 294 p. (Silvia Pitiriciu), p.283
Gheorghe Bolocan, Elena Şodolescu-Silvestru, Iustina Burci, Ion Toma. Dicţionarul entopic al limbii române. Craiova, vol. I-II, Editura Universitaria, 2009, vol. I - 366 p., vol. II - 362 p. (Anatol Eremia), p.285
Anatol Eremia, Chişinău. Istorie şi actualitate. Ghidul străzilor, Chişinău, Editura Profesional Service, 2012, 206 p. (Lilia Stegărescu), p.288
Iordan Zaimov, Hidrografia bulgară. Descrierea geografică, structura şi originea numelor, Faber, I, A-I, II, K-R, Veliko Târnovo, 2012, I – 610 p., II – 680 p. (Ion Toma), p.291
Florica Dimitrescu (coord.), Alexandru Ciolan, Coman Lupu, Dicţionar de cuvinte recente, ediţia a III-a, Bucureşti, Editura Logos, 2013, 583 p. (Dragoş Vlad Topală), p.293
Dragoş Moldovanu, Teoria câmpurilor toponimice (cu aplicaţie la câmpul hidronimului Moldova), Iaşi, Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2010, 448 p. (Cristina Radu-Golea), p.295
Vlad Cojocaru, Toponimia Văii Mijlocii a Trotuşului. Dinamica structurilor toponimice, Iaşi, Casa Editorială Demiurg, 2005, 148 p. (Silvia Pitiriciu), p.297
Daniela Ştefania Butnaru, Toponimia bazinului hidrografic al Neamţului, Iaşi, Editura ALFA, 2011, 207 p. (Dragoş Vlad Topală), p.299
Petronela Savin, Universul din lingură: despre terminologia alimentară românească, Iaşi, Editura Institutul European, 2012, 194 p. (Cristina Radu-Golea), p.301

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The International Colloquium GLAT Genova, May 14th-16th, 2012, Terminology: Texts, Discourse and Access to Specialised Knowledge, p. 303
The 19th Edition of the Franco-Romanian Colloquium in Information and Communication Sciences: Scientific Actuality in Organizational Communication: Questioning the New Stakes, Problems and Practices, March 14th, 2013, University of Bucharest, p.304
Езикът и културата в съвременния свът, Университет “Проф. д-р Асен Златаров”, 22-23 юни 2012 г., Бургас, p.305

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Recent publications, p.306

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General Information, p.308