Instructions for Authors

The manuscript must be written in both Romanian and a foreign language (English or French). Authors from Romania or the Republic of Moldova will send the material in Romanian and a foreign language. Both versions will be submitted for evaluation. Foreign authors will submit their contributions in English or French.

Publication requirements as follows:

Title − font size 11, bold.
Name of author, affiliation and e-mail address − font size 11, bold, right.
Body of paper − font size 11, paper size Envelope B5, font Times New Roman; line
spacing 1.15; footnotes, font size 9.
The abstract and five key words must be written in both English and French.
The articles of authors from Romania and the Republic of Moldova will have the abstract
and five key words in Romanian as well.

Bibliography instructions


Author’s name and surname, title of work (in italics), publication place, publishing house, year.
For instance: Bidu-Vrănceanu, Angela, Lexicul specializat în mişcare. De la dicţionare la texte, Bucureşti, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2007.


Author’s name and surname, title of article (in italics), title of journal (between inverted commas), issue, publication place, publishing house, year, pages.
Journal General Information

For instance: Manea, Constantin, Manea, Maria-Camelia, Remarks on Some Phraseological and Apophthegmatic Units in English and Romanian − Convergent and Divergent Points, in“Perspective contemporane asupra lumii medievale”, nr. 1/2009, Piteşti, Editura Tiparg, p. 104-108.


The period for article submission is 1 July, current year. The papers will be sent to the following e-mail addresses: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..