Peer Review

Authorship implies assuming responsibility for the scientific content and the presentation format of the article. The article evaluation will be made in orb, within 30 days of receiving it, by two representatives (one person from the Scientific Committee, another person from the Peer Review Committee, at the proposal of the editor-in-chief). Romanian authors have the obligation to send the Romanian version of the contribution. Both versions (in Romanian and in a foreign language) will be submitted for evaluation, according to an EVALUATION GRID. It contains the following sections:

Organization (10 p.)

Several aspects will be aimed at: compliance with journal profile, logical structuring of the material, correspondence between title and topic, highlighted subtitles, methodology.

Content (50p.)

Summary and correct analysis of the subject, original contribution of the author, type of research (exploratory or of synthesis), contribution of the topic to the development of future research in the field.

Bibliography (20p.)

References supporting the critical apparatus, adequate bibliography, sources cited according to the editorial rules.

Grammar and style (20p.)

Grammatically and orthographically correct expression. Appropriate style, clear expression.



a) article accepted for publication in the submitted form (90-100 p.)
b) article accepted for publication with adjustments (60-80 p.)
c) rejected article (50 p.)


1. Articles evaluated by completing the grid will be sent electronically to the editorial board, to the address of the editor-in-chief. The evaluator must not disclose the content of the article and the result of the evaluation.
2. Articles accepted for publication in SCOL can no longer be sent to the editorial board of another journal, as the editorial board does not accept articles previously published in other journals/volumes.
3. Manuscripts containing plagiarized paragraphs will be rejected.