Anul XV, Nr. 1-2 / 2022 - Contents



 Studii şi cercetări de onomastică şi lexicologie

 Anul XV
Nr. 1-2/2022

Editura Universitaria

Craiova, 2022


“Group Portrait with Lady:” from Fiction, through Books, to Reality, p. 13

Maria DOBRE, Aspects of Transfer in Toponymy and Its Etymological Implications, p. 20
Anatol EREMIA, Hydronymy of the Black Sea Hydrographic Basin - Area of the Prut and the Dniester, p. 25
Daiana FELECAN, On Advancing Names in Speech, p. 36
Dumitru LOȘONȚI, Contributions to the Study of Family Names in Romania (IV), p. 42
Iustina NICA BURCI, The Suffix -ACHE in Toponymy. Inventory and Analysis, p. 69
Silvia PITIRICIU, Eponyms in Mineralogy Terminology (I), p. 88
Ana-Maria PRISACARU, Toponymic Etymologies between Documentary Sources and Popular Beliefs. Analysis Based on MDTM1-2, p. 98
Melania ROIBU, Names of Film and Music Festivals and Awards, p. 107
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Panagiotis ASIMOPOULOS, Fruits, Vegetables and Edible Herbaceous Plants in Greek and Serbian Phraseologisms, p. 119
Simina BADEA, The Terminology of Offences in English Law: Homicide, p. 203
Florina-Maria BĂCILĂ, Meanings of the Noun șoaptă in the Poetry of Traian Dorz, p. 210
Mariana COANCĂ, An Overview of the English Terminology from the Field of Carpentry, p. 220
Evija LIPARTE, Tiger, Louse, Cow, and so on: about the Animalisation of COVID-19, p. 231
Nicoleta MIHAI, The Use of Military Terms in Communist Language, p. 253
Mihaela MUNTEANU SISERMAN, Brief Overview of the COVID-19 Pandemic Lexicon, p. 270
Florentina NICOLAE, Fauna in the Anthumous Lyrics of Eminescu, p. 287
Voica RADU-CĂLUGĂRU, On the Dynamics of the Current Lexicon of the Romanian Language from the Perspective of Globalization, p. 299
Delia-Anamaria RĂCHIȘAN, Healing Herbs (Belladonna, Yarrow): the Scholarly Denominative Model and the Folk Model, p. 315
Simona Nicoleta STAICU, Romanian Medical Terms Word Formation: Derivation, p. 323
Anamaria-Bianca TONȚ, Medical Terminology Words Included in DOOM3 (The Orthographic, Orthoepic and Morphological Dictionary of Romanian). Grammatical and Lexical Comments, p. 331
Dragoș Vlad TOPALĂ, The COVID Acronym: on Terminology and Some “Sequelae” in Current Romanian, p. 356
Dan UNGUREANU, Victor CELAC, Again on “Checocuri Apilpisite” (I. L. Caragiale, Antologie), p. 366
Mariana VÂRLAN, On the Expressivity of Some Formations Created Using the Prefix ne- in the Journalistic Discourse Nowadays, p. 384
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Young Researchers' Contributions
Claudia DRAGOMIR (DRĂGHICI), General Aspects of the Romanian Poetry Lexis in the 20th Century, p. 391
Daniela ISPAS (PETCU), The Lexico-Semantic Field of Action Names Associated with Good and Evil, p. 403
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Book Reviews and Presentations
Dragoș Moldovanu (coordonator), Daniela Butnaru, Dinu Moscal, Ana-Maria Prisacaru, Vlad Cojocaru, Tezaurul toponimic al României. Moldova, volumul II, Mic dicționar toponimic al Moldovei (structural și etimologic), Partea a doua, Toponime descriptive, Iași, Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2021, 396 p. (Daniela Ispas Petcu), p. 423
Livia-Veronica Ghiațău, Toponimia de pe Valea Superioară a Sucevei, Iași, Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2021, 338 p. (Daniela Ispas Petcu), p.  427
Ioana Gafton, Repertoriu al schimbărilor de nume (1895-1946). Volumul I (A-K). Volumul al II-lea (L-Z), Iași, Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din  Iași, 2021, 1352 p. (Simona Sandu Pîrvulescu), p. 432
Ioana Vintilă-Rădulescu (coord.), Dicționarul ortografic, ortoepic și morfologic al limbii române, București, Editura Univers Enciclopedic Gold, 2021, 1152 p. (Floriana-Diana Pirlogea Naghibaur), p. 435
Constantin-Virgil Mihălcescu, Satele Comunei Bâcleş - Mehedinţi. Pagini de istorie, Craiova, Editura MJM, 2022, 279 p. (Maria Dobre), p. 439
Ionela-Diana Cărburean, Contribuția lingvisticii diacronice la descrierea terminologiei juridico-administrative de origine (neo)greacă, Iași, Editura Universității ,,Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2021, 424 p. (Anca-Giorgiana Manta), p. 442
Florina-Maria Băcilă, Dorziana - O (re)construcție a textului prin limbaj, Timișoara, Editura Excelsior Art, 2016, 497 p. și Dorziana - Poemul (ne)cuvântului întemeietor, Timișoara, Editura Cosmopolitan Art, 2021, 502 p. (Mariana Matei Buciu), p. 445
Alexandra Codău, Limbajul presei scrise din România în contextul crizei mediatice, București, Editura Universitară, 2018, 209 p. (Emilia-Mihaela Costescu-Crînguș), p. 451
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International Onomastics Conference “Anthroponyms and Anthroponymic Researches at the Beginning of the 21st Century”, 20–22 April 2021, Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin”, Sofia, Bulgaria, p. 454
The International Scientific Conference MODERN PHILOLOGY: Achievements and Perspectives in a European Context "Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu" Institute of Romanian Philology: 65 years since its foundation, the 16th edition (Chișinău, October 20-22, 2022), p. 456
The National Colloquium of the Doctoral School "Alexandru Piru" New Perspectives in Linguistic and Literary Research, 4th Edition (Craiova, November 23-24, 2022), p. 458
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Recent Publications, p. 459
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Media News Interpreted through the Onomastic “Lens”, p. 460
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Erratum, p. 464
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Journal General Information, p. 479