Anul VII, Nr. 1-2 / 2014 - Contents

Revista - Studii şi cercetări de onomastică şi lexicologie(SCOL- Anul VII, Nr. 1-2 / 2014


To Domniţa Tomescu, a Collegial Tribute, p.9


Laimute BALODE, Ojārs BUŠS, Two Sketches on Latvian Names in the Economy, p.13
Iustina BURCI, The Entopic Vârf/Peak and its Geomorphological and Lexical Particularities, p.26
Dumitru CARABAŞ, Turkish Elements in the Anthroponymy of the Aromanians of Romania, p.44
Maria COSNICEANU, Doina COROBCEANU, Surnames – Between Tradition and Accuracy, p.59
Anatol EREMIA, The Hydronymy of the Hydrographic Basin of the Prut. The Left-Bank Tributaries of the River, p.64
Oliviu FELECAN, On Collective Nicknames, p.74
Dragomir LALCHEV, Designing a Dictionary of Archaic Names of the Tribes in the Balkan Peninsula, p.84
Dumitru LOŞONŢI, Diminutives and Hypocoristics of Bonţida Village, Cluj County, p.88
Viorica RĂILEANU, Turkish and Greek Compounding Elements in Anthroponymy, p.100
Adela STANCU, Adelina ILIESCU, The Cuckold and the Don Juan Type in I. L. Caragiale’s Comedies, p.106
Mădălina STRECHIE, Ethnonyms in Some Latin Epigraphic Texts in Dacia, p.114

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Simina BADEA, Lexical Productivity in Legal Texts: the Prefix Pre- in EU Documents, p.126
Claudia Carmen BOTEZAT PRICĂ, The Semantic Field of Fire in the Poetry of Lucian Blaga, p.134
Mariana COANCĂ, The Assimilation of Anglicisms and Their Movement toward Common Language, p.142
Diana DĂNIŞOR, Sevastian CERCEL, The Definitions of Death and the Respect Owed to the Deceased Person, p.149
Iulia DRĂGHICI,The Terminology of Cosmetics in the Romanian Language – the Assimilation of Anglicisms, p.160
Ana-Maria DUDĂU, A Lingustic Perspective on the Press in Oltenia, p.166
Oana GHIŢĂ, The Notion of Matrimonial Regime as Provided in the New Civil Code, p.172
Alina HOŢU, Shape, Appearance, Taste and Sensation in Gastronomic Terminology (Desserts), p.179
Manuela Lavinia ISTRĂTOAIE, A Terminological and Juridical Analysis of the Transaction Contract, p.192
Roxana JOIŢA KHALIFA, Terminology of Mass Media in Current Romanian. Aspects of the Assimilation of English Lexical and Phrasal Borrowings, p.200
Laviniu LĂPĂDAT, Communicational Effectiveness and Systemic Patterns of Language in Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man, p.209
Florentina NICOLAE, Biblical Lexicology Regarding some Names of Skins in xodus, p.214
Radu PAŞALEGA, Semantics of a Few Simple and Often Used Words in British Popular Wisdom, p.222
Maria PAŞCA, Semantics of Inter-Dimensional Crossings in Lucian Blaga’s Poetry, p.227
Anca PĂUNESCU, Deictic Center Shifts in the Poetry of Nichita Stănescu, p.231
Silvia PITIRICIU, Adjectival Political Terms – Semantic Aspects, p.236
Ion POPESCU SIRETEANU, Transhumance, p.250
Cristina RADU-GOLEA, A Fully Dynamic Lexico-Semantic Field: Mobile Telephony, p.258
Melania ROIBU, False Friends – True Enemies in Language?, p.263
Simona Nicoleta STAICU, Medical Phraseological Units: Typology and Occurrence.A Case Study, p.274
Cristina STANCIU, The Influences of the New Romanian Civil Code on the Terminology and Notions of the Transport Contract, p.280
Dragoş Vlad TOPALĂ, On the Origin of the Word jeep, p.288
Raluca VOINEA, The Notion of Criminal Law – New Regulations under Criminal Law and Specialized Doctrine, p.292

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Young Researchers’ Contributions

Mădălina DĂNCIULESCU, Diaphasic Features of the Language of Jupân Dumitrache in the Comedy O Noapte Furtunoasă(Lexical and Phraseological Elements), p.298
Loredana GHIOALĂ, Toponyms of Vâlcea County, p.306
Ionela Silvia GRANGURE, Toponyms of Mehendinţi County, p.310
Loredana POPESCU, Toponyms of Dolj County, p.314

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Reviews and Book Presentations

Marco A. Gutiérrez (director), DECOTGREL, Diccionario Electrónico Concordado de Términos Gramaticales y Retóricos Latinos, Instituto Historia de la Lengua, Cilengua, San Millán de la Cogolla, 2013, 1120 p. (Dana Dinu), p.317
Todor Balkanski, Mariana Belneiska-Gheorghieva, Ţanka Konstantinova, Dimitrina Mihailova, Библиография нa българската ономастика 1981-2000, ВеликоТърново, Издателство “Фабер”, 2013, 398 p. (Iustina Burci), p.322
Ludwig Selimski, Етюди по ономастика/Studia onomastyczne, Университетско издателство “Св. Cв. Кирил и Методий”, Велико Търново, 2012, 292 p. (Silvia Pitiriciu), p.324
Oliviu Felecan, Un excurs onomastic în spaţiul public românesc actual, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut, 2013, 202 p. (Cristina Radu-Golea), p.326
Mircea Farcaş (coord), Vasile Frăţilă, Adrian Rezeanu, Sorin S. Vişovan, Ştefan Vişovan, Valea Izei. Studii de onomastică şi dialectologie, Baia Mare, Editura Universităţii de Nord, 2012, 341 p. (Cristina Radu-Golea), p.328
Ion Popescu-Sireteanu, Termeni pentru adăposturile păstoreşti din limba română, Iaşi, Editura Printis, 2014, 263 p. (Silvia Pitiriciu), p.330
Oliviu Felecan, Nicolae Felecan – MULTUM IN PARVO. Expresii şi citate latineşti adnotate, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut, 2013, 295 p. (Laviniu Lăpădat), p.332
Liliana Soare, Şcoala Ardeleană. Lexicul scrierilor de popularizare a ştiinţei, Piteşti, Editura Universităţii din Piteşti, 2012, 318 p. (Silvia Pitiriciu), p.334
Daiana Felecan, Aspecte ale polifoniei lingvistice: teorie şi construcţie (Ediţia a doua, revizuită), Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2011, 170 p. (Laviniu Lăpădat), p.336
Name and Naming: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Onomastics. Onomastic in Contemporary Public Space, Baia Mare, May 9-11, 2013, edited by Oliviu Felecan, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, Editura Argonaut, 2013, 1115 p. (Sivia Pitiriciu), p.338
Adrian Chircu-Buftea, Précis de morfologie romane, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2011, 184 p. (Silvia Pitiriciu), p.340
Adrian Chircu-Buftea, Dinamica adverbului românesc: ieri şi azi, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, 2011, 158 p. (Cristina Radu-Golea), p.341

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The 19th International Conference The Knowledge-Based Organization “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, 13-15 June, 2013, p.343
The International Conference Investigating Semantics: Empirical and Philosophical Approaches, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, October 10-12, 2013, p.344
The International Scientific Conference Literature, Discourse and Multicultural Dialogue, 1st Edition, Târgu-Mureş, December 5-6, 2013, Târgu-Mureş, “Petru Maior” University, p.345

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Recent Publications, p.347

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General Information, p.351