Anul IX, Nr. 1-2 / 2016 - Contents

Revista - Studii şi cercetări de onomastică şi lexicologie (SCOL- Anul IX, Nr. 1-2 / 2016


Dragoș Moldovanu, Professor and Scientist, p.9


Iustina BURCI, The Role and the Typology of the Cross in the Place Names of Oltenia, p.20
Dumitru CARABAȘ, Agnomens and Nicknames in Aromanian Onomastics, p.30
Vlad COJOCARU, Historical and Geographical Sources and Their Importance for Toponomastics, p.48
Anatol EREMIA, The Toponymy of Bessarabia: Etymological Convergences and Divergences, p.54
Pedro Cristian IONESCU PEREZ, The Drift of Family Names, p.66
Ion POPESCU-SIRETEANU, Pastoral Festivals, p.75
Viorica RĂILEANU, Onomastic Research in the Republic of Moldova: History, Evolution, Performance, p.89

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Simina BADEA,  The Suffix -trix in Forming Feminine Legal Terms, p.99
Sevastian CERCEL, The Regulation of Dismemberments of the Private Ownership Right in the Romanian Civil Code: the Superficies Right and the Usufruct Right, p.107
Diana DĂNIȘOR, Octavian ISTRĂTOAIE, On Some Eponyms in Cardiovascular Medicine, p.117
Oana GHIȚĂ, Conceptual Scope of the Terms “positive” and “negative” in Matters of Obligations of States under the European Convention on Human Rights - Special Focus on art. 8 on “Family Life”, p.125
Manuela Lavinia ISTRĂTOAIE, Particular Aspects of the Commodate, p.134
Dumitru LOȘONȚI, Terms for “ghețuș, săniuș”, p.141
Eugenia MINCU, Vasile BAHNARU, Terminology: Retrospection and Perspective, p.154
Silvia PITIRICIU, On Textile Terminology: Fibres and Yarns, p.159
Cristina STANCIU, An Analysis of the Legal Features and Legal Language in Relation to the Contract of Shipment of Goods, p.166
Elena-Laura TRĂISTARU, New Sports Names – Terms Borrowed from English, p.176
Natalya VOYEVUTKO, Evelina RYABCHENKO, The Methods of the Modern Greek Pedagogical Vocabulary Term Formation, p.183

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Young Researchers’ Contributions

Maria Eleonora ARDELEAN, Trade Names: Soft Drinks, p.188
Alina DĂNILĂ, Trade Names: Bread, p.193
Ileana DUMITRU, The Italian Influence in Gastronomic Terminology, p.201
Livia POGAN (DIȚESCU), Work – Family Conflict, a Linguistic and Sociological Approach to the Concept, p.212
Angelica PREDA, Fibre Plants: Cotton Fibre Plants: Cotton, p.216
Raluca Maria TĂNĂSESCU (GÎJGĂ), The Game of Senses in the Paradigm Handicap-Deficiency-Disability, p.225
Angela TRIȚĂ, Trade Names: Mineral Water, p.229

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Reviews and Book Presentations

Adelina Emilia Mihali, Toponimie maramureșeană. Valea superioară a Vișeului , Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2015, 256 p. (Radu Pașalega), p.235
Anca-Maria Bercaru, Antroponimele feminine la sârbi si români, București, Editura Universității din București , 2014,  190 p. (Radu Pasalega), p.237
Cristian Moroianu, Etimologie şi lexicologie românească. Convergenţe sincronice şi diacronice, Bucureşti, Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 2015, 447 p. (Silvia Pitiriciu), p.239
Jean-Jacques Briu (éd.), Terminologie (I) analyser des termes et des concepts, Bern, Peter Lang SA, Editions scientifiques internationales, 2011, 224 p. (+2p. Non numbered) (Diana Cărburean), p.241
Marco A. Gutiérrez (director), DECOTGREL (PMAI), Diccionario Electrónico Concordado de Términos Gramaticales y Retóricos Latinos, Instituto Historia de la Lengua, Cilengua, San Millán de la Cogolla, 2015, 128 p. (Lavinia Similaru), p.246
Diana Dănișor, Terminologie juridique actuelle française et roumaine. Étude contrastive, Saarbrücken, Presses Académiques Francophones, 2012, 240 p. (Radu Pașalega), p.248
Ion Popescu-Sireteanu,  Termeni păstorești pentru vase, unelte și instrumente, boli și leacuri, Iași, Editura Printis, 2015, 296 p. (Radu Pașalega), p.250
Cosmin Căprioară, Limbajul medical popular românesc, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Mega, 2014, 330 p. (Iustina Burci), p.252
Diana Dănișor, Interpretarea Codului civil. Perspectivă jurilingvistică, colecția „Instrumente juridice”, București, EdituraC.H.Beck, 2015, 294 p. (Radu Pașalega), p.254

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The International Colloquium “Europa − centru și margine. Cooperare culturală transfrontalieră”, 4th Edition, Arad, October 22-23, 2015, p.257
The Third International Conference on Onomastics “Name and Naming”  Conventional/Unconventional in Onomastics, Baia Mare, September 1-3, 2015, p.259
10th International Scientific Conference “Problems in Oral Communication”, Veliko Târnovo, November 7-8, 2014, p.263

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Recent Publications, p.266

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Journal General Informationp.267