
Journal Studies and Research in Onomastics and Lexicology (SCOL)
Address: University of Craiova, 13-15 A.I. Cuza Street, 200585, Dolj, Romania
ISSN: 2065-7161
Online ISSN: 2247-7330
Domain: linguistics
Type of publication: scientific/academic



"Studies and Research in Onomastics and Lexicology" (SCOL) is a scientific/academic journal published in one volume (two issues) annually under the aegis of the University of Craiova, Faculty of Letters. It came out at Sitech Publishing House in Craiova until 2019, and since 2020 at Universitaria Publishing House in Craiova.

SCOL is a continuation of the journal "Studies and Research in Onomastics" (SCO), edited by the distinguished professor Gheorghe Bolocan, PhD, a nationally known journal, which was published between 1995 and 2005 and which contributed to the development of the field of onomastics by reuniting many specialists from academic centres such as Bucharest, Iași, Cluj-Napoca, Timișoara and Craiova.

The thematic profile of SCOL covers two important directions in linguistics: onomastics and lexicology. The structure of the journal includes 6 sections: Onomastics, Lexicology, Contributions of young researchers (containing the results of the research carried out by master's and doctoral students in the fields of onomastics and lexicology), Book Reviews (books published in the thematic field of the journal), Academica (presentation of colloquia, symposia, or conferences organized by universities and research institutes at national and international level), Recent publications (books/articles/studies of interest to linguists, from the current year or from the previous year). The onomastics section includes research in Romanian and foreign toponymy and anthroponymy. Research in lexicology deals with aspects related to derivation, composition, borrowing, terminology problems. The two fields of investigation, onomastics and lexicology, respond to the need to certify national identity and offer the possibility of manifesting the unity and diversity of languages ​​in synchrony and diachrony.


Editorial Board


Honorary Editorial Director


University of Craiova (Romania)



Cecilia-Mihaela POPESCU

University of Craiova (Romania)


Deputy Editor

Anamaria Magdalena PREDA

University of Craiova (Romania)


Titela VÎLCEANU                                                            Daniela DINCĂ

University of Craiova (Romania)                                University of Craiova (Romania)

Editorial Secretaries

Ovidiu DRĂGHICI                                     Alina RESCEANU

University of Craiova (Romania)              University of Craiova (Romania)