Anul I, Nr. 1-2 / 2008 - Sommaire

Revista - Studii şi cercetări de onomastică şi lexicologie(SCOL- Anul I, Nr. 1-2 / 2008


Silvia PITIRICIU, Foreword, p.7
Teodor OANCĂ, On the History of Studii si Cercetări de Onomastică Journal (Onomastic Studies and Research, p.13

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Oana BADEA, Eponyms – A Terminological Resource in the Romanian Medical Language, p.19
Olga BĂLĂNESCU, Innovation – A Sign Of Modernity in Romanian Advertising, p.26
Ana-Maria BOTNARU, 
A Few Remarks on the Forest Terminology in Romanian, p.35
Emina CĂPĂLNĂŞAN, Boundaries of Acceptability or a aplica pentru o slujbă (Applying for a Job), p.43
Cecilia CONDEI, The Social Coordination of the Lexicographical Discourse or How Discourse Applies to Text, p. 52
Virginia DAVID, The Semantic Classification of Hydronyms in Banat, p. 62
Daniela DINCĂ, From Neologisms to Neonyms, p.75
Dana DINU, Greco-Latin Bilingualism. Lexical Aspects of the Birth of Literary Latin, p.84
Albina DUMBRĂVEANU, On Certain Issues Related to the Anthroponymics of the Republic of Moldavia, p.95
Anatol EREMIA, The Identity of Romanian Toponymy, p.103
Vasile FRĂŢILĂ, On several Romanian Hydronyms of Slavic Origin, p.111
Anca HENDEA, Derivation – A Linguistic Means of Word-Formation Present-Day Romanian Youth’s Slang, p.119
Adelina ILIESCU, Feminine Onomastics (the Image of the Coquette and of the Adulteress) in I.L. Caragiale’s Comedies, p.126
Laura IONICĂ, The Lexis of Quantitative Structures in the Written Press: Figures of Speech, p. 133
Tomasz KLIMKOWSKI, God, the Angel and the Devil – A Few Terms of the Christian Religion, p.140
Adina MATROZI MARIN, A Semantic Description of the Preposition, p.153
Maria MIHĂILĂ, Romanian First Names, p. 62
Alina-Paula NEMŢUŢ, The Semantic Diversity of Conversion in Emil Cioran’s Amurgul Gândurilor, p.168
Mădălina NICOLOF DEACONU, The Semantics of the Symbol in Barbu’s Poetry – the First Stage of Creation, p.184
Teodor OANCĂ, Anthroponimic Microsystems. Nicknames Derived from Fish Names, p.194
Victor OLARU, Place-Names Illustrating Social and Legal Customs, p.201
Maria PAŞCA, Lexical Strategies of the Discourse of Advertising, p.209
Silvia PITIRICIU, Elements of Eurojargon in Contemporary Romanian, p.217
Diana PÎRLOGEA, Anglicism in the Romanian Political Language, p.231
Alexandra PORUMBESCU, Political Terminology in the Context of Globalization, p.239
Cristina RADU-GOLEA, Colors in Advertising, p.244
Maria Laura RUS, Lexical Innovation, p.252
Liliana SOARE, Aspects of Synonymy in the Texts of Science Popularization Written by the “Scoala Ardeleană” Scholars, p.258
Laura SPĂRIOSU, Romanian Onomastics in the Central Banat District of Serbia, p.266
Adela-Marinela STANCU, Names of Important Religious Holidays Turned into Anthroponyms in Romanan and French, p.272
Lucia STOIAN, Etymological Structure of Vocabulary in Vasile Voiculescu’s Lostriţa, p.283
Mădălina STRECHIE, Considerations on the Romans’ Names, p.289
Elena SODOLESCU SILVESTRU, The Role and Place of the -ău Suffix in the Romanian Toponymic System, p.295
Ion TOMA, Children as Creators of Names, p.303
Dragos Vlad TOPALĂ, Elements of Military Slang: the Language of American Soldiers used during the Viêt-Nam War, p.309
Mariana VÂRLAN, A Fashionable Suffix: the Gender Suffix–ă, p.314
Mihaela Geanina VERDE, The Equivalence of Commercial Terms in Italian and French, p. 321

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Reviews and Book Presentations

Ilie Dan, Nume proprii românesti, Iasi, Editura Timpul, 2006, 243 p. (Dragoş Vlad Topală), p.334
Anatol Eremia, Dicţionar explicativ si etimologic de termeni geografici, Chişinău, Editura „Stiinţa”, 2006, 236 p. (Albina Dumbrăveanu), p.336
Cristian Ionescu, Dicţionar de onomastică, ediţia a II-a, Bucureşti, Editura Elion, 2008, 448 p. (Silvia Pitiriciu), p.339
Alistair Jones, A Glossary of the European Union, Edinburgh University Press, 2008, 163 p. (Cristina Radu-Golea), p.341
Dumitru Losonţi, Certitudini si ipoteze etimologice, Bucuresti, Editura Academiei Române, 2007, 186 p.(Iustina Burci), p.343
Ion Mării, Note si studii de etimologie lexicală dacoromână, Editura Academiei Române, Bucuresti, 2005, 180 p. (Teodor Oancă), p.346

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Contents of the Review Studii si cercetări de onomastică (SCO), p.350