Anul III, Nr. 1-2 / 2010 - Sommaire

Revista - Studii şi cercetări de onomastică şi lexicologie(SCOL- Anul III, Nr. 1-2 / 2010



Diana BOC SÂNMĂRGHIŢAN, The Bistra and the Sebeş River Toponyms Derived from Appelatives Describing Ground Elevation Types, p.9
Ana-Maria BOTNARU, On the Romanian Term Stejar, p.23
Grigore BRÂNCUŞ, Substratum Elements in Oltenia’s Toponymy, p.29
Anatol EREMIA,The Hydrography and Hydronymy of the Republic of Moldova. Interdisciplinary Notions, Aspects and Reference Elements, p.50
Ludwig SELIMSKI, Family Names Derived from Йогур and *Йогуртчия in Bulgarian, p.63
Sorin Cristian SEMENIUC, The Originality Manifested in Choosing Romany Babies’ First Names in Iaşi County, p.74
Mariana VLAS, Onomastic Fund Elements within the Terminological System, p.85

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Oana BADEA, Raluca FARISEU, The Evolution of Romanian Medical Terminology, p.92
Olga BĂLĂNESCU, A Pragmasemantic Perspective on Social Responsibilisation Campaigns, p.104
Dana DINU, Nominal Derivation with Suffixes in Latin, p.117
Ion DUMBRĂVEANU, Observations on Some Aspects Regarding the Neologisation of Contemporary Romanian Vocabulary, p.132
Claudia LEAH, Theoretical Accounts upon Synonymy, p.143
Ioan MILICĂ, Internet Communication and Name ‘Aggression’, p.168
Maria ONOFRAŞ, New Meanings in the Romanian Vocabulary, p.179
Silvia PITIRICIU, Textile Terminology: Mătasea, p.185
Mihaela POPESCU, Specialised Meaning Preservation in French and Italian General Dictionaries, p.199
Cristina RADU-GOLEA, Considerations on the Semantic Evolution of the Chromatic Term Verde in Romanian, p.214
Dragoş Vlad TOPALĂ, An Interdisciplinary Perspective on EU Terminology,, p.230

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Young Researchers’ Contributions

Didona FETEA, The French Influence on Clothing Terminology in Contemporary Romanian, p.247
Iulia GHEORGHE, The suffix -bil in Romanian, p.257
Alina HOŢU, On Gastronomic Terminology: Cocktails, p.269
Andreea SĂNDOI, Foreign Influences in Footwear Terminology in Romanian, p.284

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Reviews and Book Presentations

Catagrafiile Vistieriei Moldovei (1820-1845), I. Ţinutul Romanului. Partea 1 (1820), Iaşi, StudIs, 2008, 265 p., II. Ţinutul Romanului. Partea a 2-a (1832), Iaşi, Studls, 2009, 389 p.. (Iustina Burci), p.296
Aurelia Bălan-Mihailovici, Dicţionar onomastic creştin. Repere etimologice şi martirologice, Bucureşti, Editura Sophia, 2009, 685 p. (Dana Dinu), p.300
Marius Sala, Cuvintele – mesageri ai istoriei, Bucureşti, Editura Meronia, 2009, 261 p. (Silvia Pitiriciu), p.303
Emil Suciu, Condensarea lexico-semantică, Iaşi, Institutul European, 2009, 335 p.  (Claudia Pisoschi), p.305
Ioan Milică, Expresivitatea argoului, Iaşi, Editura Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2009, 352 p.(Cristina Radu-Golea), p.313
Ioana Vintilă-Rădulescu, Dicţionar normativ al limbii române ortografic, ortoepic, morfologic şi practic, Bucureşti, Corint, 2009, 896 p. (Dragoş Vlad Topală), p.315

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Presentation of the International Colloquium “Language, Culture, Civilisation”, 9th edition, (the 2nd international edition), Craiova, March 25-27, 2010, p.318
The International Symposium “Present day Linguistic Topics” in memoriam of acad. Nicolae Corlateanu(95 years since his birth), p.320
The 26-th Congress of Romance Linguistics and Philology, September 6-11, 2010, Valencia, Spain, p.321

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Review General Information, p.324