Anul IV, Nr. 1-2 / 2011 - Sommaire

Revista - Studii şi cercetări de onomastică şi lexicologie(SCOL- Anul IV, Nr. 1-2 / 2011



Diana BOC-SÎNMĂRGHIŢAN, Toponyms of the Bistra and Sebeş Valleys Formed from Appellatives Describing Plains or Plateaus, p.9 
Ana-Maria BOTNARU, On the Romanian Term Pădure, p.21 
Iustina BURCI, Family Names Derived from Female First Names in Contemporary Anthroponymy, p.27 
Vasile FRĂŢILĂ, Names of Banat Towns/Villages of Hungarian Origin, p.39 
Silvia PITIRICIU, From Proper to Common Nouns in the Botanical Lexis, p.70 
Viorica RALEANU, Transnistrian Towns of Anthroponymic Origin – An Expression of the Romanian Spiritual Unity, p.77 
Ludwig SELIMSKI, On the Surname Черчиев (and Its Variants) in BulgarianЧерчиев (and Its Variants) in Bulgarian, p.105 
Mădălina STRECHIE, Names of Roman Military Units and Sub-units – Meanings and Terminology, p.111 
Camelia ZĂBAVĂ, Characteristics of the Personal Denomination in Malovăţ Village, Mehedinţi County, p.121

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Oana BADEA, Raluca FARISEU, Medical Terms in Mass-Media, p.135 
Gabriela BIRIŞ, Lexical and Semantic Fields in Contemporary Romanian: Pădure/Forest Denominations: Pădure/Forest Denominations, p.144 
Cecilia CONDEI, The Subjectivity of the Scientific Text: the Dictionarythe Dictionary, p.154 
Inga DRUŢĂ, Considerations on Terminological Synonymy in Marketing Language, p.163
Marco Antonio GUTIÉRREZ, About the Limits of Metalanguage: an Essay on the Modelisation of Latin Grammatical LexicographyAbout the Limits of Metalanguage: an Essay on the Modelisation of Latin Grammatical Lexicography, p.174
Clementina NIŢĂ, Semantic Aspects of the Verb Phrase in Romanian Avant-Garde Poetry, p.209
Veronica PĂCURARU, Semantic Contextualisation and Desambiguisation of Lexical Signs, p.240
Cristina RADU-GOLEA, Colors’ Role and Symbolism in Visual Language, p.261
Liliana SOARE, Şcoala Ardeleană. Aspects of the Linguistic Terminology, p.271
Laura SPĂRIOSU, Examples of Idiomatic Expressions with the Lexeme Inimă in the Romanian and Serbian Languages Inimă in the Romanian and Serbian Languages, p.284

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Young Researchers’ Contributions

Flaviana DOBRE, Derivatives and Loan Terms with the Suffix -iza in Romanianiza in Romanian, p.291
Alina HOŢU, Anthroponyms in Gastronomic Terminology, p.298
Simona JIANU, Anglicisms Used in the Terminology Referring to Professions (the Economic Field)(the Economic Field), p.309
Andreea SĂNDOI, Anglicisms in Fashion Terminology, p.337

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Reviews and Book Presentations

Sabina Pavlova, Bălgarskata dvuezična leksikografija ot osvobojdenieto do kraja na XX vek/Bilingual Bulgarian Lexicography from the Liberation to the End of the XXth Century, Et “EMAC”, Sofia, 2010, 234 p. (Ion Toma), p.359
Marta Gómez Martínez, José Ramón Carriazo Ruiz, La marcación en lexicografía histórica, San Millán de la Cogola, 2010, 438 p. (Silvia Pitiriciu), p.362
Todor Balkanski, Kiril Ţankov, Енциклопедия на българската ономастика, Editura Faber, Veliko Târnovo, 2010, 352 p. (Teodor Oancă), p.365
Dumitru Loşonţi, Sabin Vlad, Tezaurul toponimic al României. Transilvania (TTRT), Valea Ierii, Editura Academiei Române, Bucureşti, 2010, 205 p. (Teodor Oancă), p.369
Maria Cosniceanu, Nume de familie (din perspectivă istorică),  Chişinău, Editura Pontos, 2010, 153 p. (Silvia Pitiriciu), p.372
Gheorghe Popa, Locuţiunile în sistemul unităţilor nominative ale limbii române, Chişinău, Editura Ştiinţa 2007, 248 p. (Zinaida Tărîţă), p.374

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The 9th International Conference ‘Language, Literature and Cultural Policies’ Centres and (Ex-) Centricities, Craiova, November 12-14, 2010,p.377 
The 2nd International Conference Limba română – abordări tradiţionale şi moderne, Cluj-Napoca, May 6-7, 2011. p.379 
Everything You Need to Know about Museums (and Much More) Salzburg International Conference(s) 2009 – 2010, p.380

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Review General Information, p.382