Anul VIII, Nr. 1-2 / 2015 - Sommaire

Revista - Studii şi cercetări de onomastică şi lexicologie (SCOL- Anul VIII, Nr. 1-2 / 2015


Gheorghe Bolocan, Professor and Scientist, p.9


Iustina BURCI, The Onomastics of Current Romanian Tourist Units, p.15
Maria DOBRE, Toponyms Evoking Medieval Institutions, Offices and Dignities, p.27
Anatol EREMIA,The Hydronymy of the Hydrographic Basin of the Dniester River, p.35
Vasile FRĂŢILĂ, Oikonyms of Banat of Anthroponymical Origin (II)*, p.47
Adelina ILIESCU, Onomastics in Matei Millo’s Work (the Romanian  Theatre up to Alecsandri), p.63
Dumitru LOŞONŢI, Family Names in the Commune of Bonţida* (Cluj County), p.68
Ludwig Selimski, Bulgarian Surnames with Romanian Counterparts, p.93
Domniţa TOMESCU, Stability and Change in Romanian Historical Toponymy, p.101
Elena-Camelia ZĂBAVĂ, Some Considerations on Animal Names in the Rural Area of Mehedinţi County, p.107

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Panagiotis ASIMOPOULOS, The Use of the Pluperfect in Modern Greek and Serbian Language, p.116
Simina BADEA, The Suffixes -or and –ee in Forming Legal Terms, p.130
Dumitru CARABAŞ,  Elements of Aromanian Phraseology, p.141
Diana DĂNIŞOR, Legal Terms of Art – l’accession in the Language of the New Romanian Civil Code, p.153
Iulia DRĂGHICI, The Terminology of Cosmetics in Romanian Dictionaries, p.159
Inga DRUŢĂ, Eugenia MINCU, Considerations on Terminological Neosemy, p.171
Oana GHIŢĂ, The Child in Legal Terminology, p.179
Manuela Lavinia ISTRĂTOAIE, Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts, p.185
Octavian ISTRĂTOAIE, The Medical Definition of Death, p.194
Roxana JOIŢA KHALIFA, Romanian Terminology of Mass Media. Types of Definitions in the Encyclopedic and Linguistic Dictionaries, p.205
Eugenia MINCU, Vasile BAHNARU, Greek and Latin Fundamentals in the Development of Medical Language, p.218
Georgeta Amelia MOTOI, Nouns Derived with the Suffix -re in the Title of Nichita Stănescu’s Lyrical Works, p.227
Radu PAŞALEGA, Latent and Profane Humour in French Legalese, p.234
Silvia PITIRICIU, Elements of Turkish Origin in Romanian Gastronomic Terminology, p.239
Ion POPESCU-SIRETEANU, The Word Nămaie “Oaie” and its Family, p.243
Viorica RĂILEANU, Hypocoristic Forms Created by Truncation, p.266
Simona Nicoleta  STAICU, Consistent and Inconsistent Translations of Medical Texts, p.273
Cristina STANCIU, General Aspects Regarding the Technical Nature of Language and Notions in Contracts of Carriage, p.280
Adela-Marinela STANCU, The Semantic Field of the Word Eye, p.291
Mădălina STRECHIE, Old Military Terminology at the time of the Romanian Principalities in Onomastics, p.302
Raluca Maria TĂNĂSESCU GÎJGĂ, Semantic Dynamics of the Concept of “Family” in Social Assistance, p.312
Dragoş Vlad TOPALĂ, Turkish Lexical Elements in Nicolae Bălcescu`s Works, p.316

Laura Elena TRĂISTARU, Gastronomic Terminology in Romanian Borrowings from Italian, p.323
Violeta UNGUREANU, Referential Ambiguity – a Source of Various Meaning Effects, p.332

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Young Researchers’ Contributions

Ileana DUMITRU, Names of Languages. Phraseological Synonymy, p.337
Loredana GHIOALĂ, Recent Derivatives in Romanian, p.348
Ionela Silvia GRANGURE, Recent Compounds in Current Romanian, p.353
Loredana POPESCU, Names of Countries. Phraseological Synonymy, p.358

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Reviews and Book Presentations

Laura Spăriosu, Onomastica românilor din Banatul sârbesc central: studii de antroponimie, Arad, Editura Gutenberg Univers, 2014, 268 p. (Radu Paşalega)p.364
Ion Toma, 101 nume de locuri, Bucureşti, Editura Humanitas2015,  291 p. (Radu Paşalega), p.366
Ion Popescu-Sireteanu,   Cuvinte românesti de bază, Iaşi, Editura Alfa, 2014, 484 p. (Radu Paşalega), p.368
Iustina Burci, Terminologie geografică populară. Dicţionar de sinonime, Craiova, Editura Universitaria, 2014, 295 p. (Radu Paşalega), p.370
Dragoş Vlad Topală, Elemente lexicale în opera lui Nicolae BălcescuCraiova, Editura Sitech, 2014, 152 p. (Iustina Burci), p.372
Simina Badea,  Legal English. A Practical Approach, Craiova, Editura Universitaria, 2014, 246 p. (Radu Paşalega), p.375
Constantin Şt. Mihălcescu, Monografia satului Bâcleş, Judeţul Mehedinţi, 1513-1988, Craiova, Editura Alma, 2014, 160 p. (Maria Dobre), p.377
Constantin-Virgil Mihălcescu, Comuna Prunişor, Judeţul Mehedinţi, Monografie, Editura Scrisul Românesc, Craiova, 2009, 233 p. (Maria Dobre), p.378
Gr. Brâncuş,  Expresie populară în ciclul  „La Lilieci” de Marin Sorescu, Bucureşti, Editura Academiei Române, 2014, 173 p. (Radu Paşalega), p.380
Constantin-Virgil Mihălcescu, Oameni din Mehedinţi, Dicţionar de personalităţi, Craiova, Editura Sitech, Craiova, 2013, 227 p. (Maria Dobre), p.383
Mădălina Strechie, Limba unei culturi şi civilizaţii antice: limba latinã. Curs practic, Craiova, Editura Universitaria, 2013,   217 p.  (Radu Paşalega), p.384
Simina Badea,  Relaţii temporale exprimate de prepoziţii în limbile engleză şi franceză, Craiova, Editura Universitaria, 2013, 236 p. (Silvia Pitiriciu), p.386

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The 25th International Congress of Onomastic SciencesGlasgow, 25-29 August, 2014, organized by the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, ICOS 2014, p.388
The International Conference Globalization, Intercultural Dialogue and National Identity, 2nd Edition , Târgu Mureş, Romania, organized by Petru Maior University,  Alpha Institute for Multicultural Studies and the Romanian Academy, Gheorghe Şincai Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities, 28-29 May, 2015, p.389
The 7th Edition of the International Colloquium ‘Receptarea antichităţii greco-latine în culturile europene’, Craiova, October 24-25, 2014, Romania, p.390

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Recent Publications, p.391

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Journal General Informationp.392